Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Traveling Caravan Post #3 - How the style had changed since our First PResident George Washington . . .

Traveling Caravan Entry #3

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Topic:  How the style has changed since our First President George Washington . . .

            This lesson is coming from Joy Hakim’s book Chapter 2:  About Being President (pp. 20 – 23).  On April 30, 1789 George Washington gave the absolute very first inaugural speech here in the new country of America.  This lesson will start out with the following questions:           

Who was the first President of the United States?
What do you think the first President of the United States would have worn?
When did he become the first President of the United States?
Where did he give his inaugural speech?
How did he arrive for his inaugural speech?  In what type of transportation.

Before the students and I discuss any of the questions above students must write an answer down for each question. 
(Content) (DOK1)

Pictures will be shown of President George Washington and our present day President Barack Obama in which students will compare their clothing.  From the pictures discussions will arise about clothing.  Washington wore velvet knee breeches, yellow gloves, silver buckles on his shoes, and a sword on his waist (Hakim, 20).  Obama wears a white shirt, tie, black coat that is knee length, a pin on the coat, dress pants, black shoes without any buckles, wears nothing around his waist, and no gloves. 

Washington also "rode in a canary yellow carriage pulled by 6 white horses  . . . whose hoofs were painted black and . . .their teeth whitened"  (Hakim, p 20).  Obama rides in a bulletin proof cadillac with high security surrounding him.  

(Creative Activity) (DOK 2 & 3)

At the end of this activity the students must draw and design an outfit they would like to wear if they were just elected President of the United States back in the 1780’s and if they were elected in 2013. (DOK 4)

All the other questions will be answered from above.  I will be drawing more of the students attention to the apparel of Washington and Obama and the mode of transportation.

Standards:  3.1.1.A5, A9; 3.1.1.B6; 3.2.1.A1, A3, A6
                     8.3.1.A, c; 8.1.1.A, C


  1. An interesting "then and now' comparison of presidents. This is a great start but I would challenge you to "go deeper" with your students (even though they are young)with a discussion on the character of presidents as well. Why were these presidents chosen? What did they say in their speeches? Again, noting that the students are young..they still understand kindness, courage,and truthfulness. Others have written on the character of presidents in their blogs...some good reads!

  2. Don't forget to point out WHERE each was inaugurated, so that your students learn that Washington DC wasn't always the nation's capital.

    Clothing is a good entryway. You could incorporate Lincoln as another well-known president to see how his clothing and speech compare.
