Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Entry #7 - What did an American Colony need to function properly?

Traveling Caravan Entry #7

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Topic:  What did an American Colony need to function properly?

            Colonial towns were a lot different than the towns we live in today.  The only thing that stayed the same with the towns might be the name of it.  Then again, I grew up in Valley View and back in the early 1800’s it was called Osmantown.  I am drawing attention to the businesses that were in town back in the colonial days, for example, wheelwright, tanner, cooper, carpenter, blacksmith, chandler, etc.  Again as my last post mentioned, Walmart, Kohl’s, and Target were not part of the colonists vocabulary.  Honestly I wish is wasn’t part of our vocabulary either, but there is not much I can do about that. 

I have inherited many old pictures from my area in Schuylkill County.  Some pictures are great snapshots into the past that show different businesses.  Each student would get a map of the town with a key that shows different businesses.  The students must label each building that is numbered on the map.  They are labeling what business went where.  (DOK 1)  Each spot on the map will be numbered and a corresponding picture will go with it from my collection.  Students will use the pictures to help them predict where the different businesses go.  (DOK 2)  Students will then construct their own town and place various businesses throughout it and label the type of business they included.  (DOK 3)  As a group we will all connect the past to the present and write how things have improved over time.  Students might even want to write about if they think the smaller business in the town were better than the Walmart’s, Target’s, or Kohl’s.  It would be interesting to hear their opinions on this matter. (DOK 4)  Creative Activity

Standards:  3.1.1.A5, A9; 3.1.1.B6; 3.2.1.A1, A3, A6
                     7.1.3.A; 7.1.4.B; 7.2.3;


  1. Jen,

    I like the use of maps. Can you use "changed" instead of "improved" over time? As you note, students might think that the smaller businesses were better so that things may not have "improved".

    There are some wonderful, detailed maps that were created by the Sanborn Company beginning in 1867 for purposes of setting fire insurance rates. I don't know if the Schuylkill County Historical Society has any in its collection but it would be an interesting resource.


  2. Good hands on and higher level thinking!
